Re: Katherine Hobinstock, Deceased, Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 1925
Notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having any debts, claims or demands against the estate of Katherine Hobinstock, late of 66 West End Lane, Hamstead, formerly of 3 Wilmington House, Highbury Crescent, both in the county of Middlesex, widow, deceased (who died on the 27th day of December 1933, and whose Will was proved by the Westminster Bank Ltd., Trustee Department, 51 Treadneedle St., EC2, the executors therein named, on the 26th day of February 1934, in the Principal Probate Registry), are hereby required to send the particulars, in writing, of their debts, claims, or demands to Messrs. Clarke & Co. of 8 Queen St., Cheapside, E.C.4, the undersigned, the Solicitors for the said executors, on or before the 12th day of May next, after which date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the debts, claims and demands of which they shall then have had notice; and they will not be liable for the assets of the said deceased, or any part thereof, so distributed, to any person or persons of whose debts, claims or demands they shall not then have had notice.
Dated this 8th day of March 1934
CLARKE and CO., Solicitors for the Executors